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Subject : Drug abuse and drug addiction


Written By : Shafayat Ul Islam Sajal

assalamualaikum, I am Shafayat Sajal, younger citizen of your region..  that is Madhukhali.I want to inform you that, now a days,  drug is too much available in our locality...  and younger are taking durg...  For this reason,  parents r loss their chid, because they convert from innocence to reckless .. they are going in wrong path.. we try to move them from that path, but the drug is too much available,  that's  why,  when we(me and some of my friends who are study in dhaka city) left our locality,  they again do the same things....
so, it is high time to remove the drug seller from our region.. last I heard a news that two drug seller is arrested by police..I was really too much happy when that news reached in my hear..
I think you will take some necessary steps to solve the problem...we want our faridpur as a drug free district... assalamu alaikum...
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